Mission and history

Our mission
Our goal - is to build a harmonious relationship with wide community, to create a comfortable environment for every visitor and guest. The philosophy of the brand "Polustrovo": "Our guests - are our value". They are the people that we are glad to take care of.

Polustrovo - is the oldest resort area of St. Petersburg. It is called so by it's owner, Councillor G.N.Teplov. Since the late 18th century there were underground waters at this area, and Polustrovsky area became a favorite summer vacation spor for all citizens.

Due to the successful development, in 2014 the hotel became hotel-restaurant complex with 242 rooms of different categories. Polustrovo Hotel - is the best option for tourism and business travel. Located within 8.5 km from the center of St. Petersburg, so you can reach the historic city center in 15 minutes. Cultural Center, an architectural and historical monument, the largest industrial and bisness city, St. Petersburg attracts millions of tourists each year.